As here in Stuttgart, the Hörmann OktaBlocks are used in European Championship fan areas in many German cities – often in combination with the mobile Road Blocker M30, which is also from Hörmann. ©Hoermann
During the European Football Championship, Hörmann OktaBlocks are an important part of the security concept in many large cities. For example, the mobile vehicle barriers will be used at European Championship events in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart.
From goosebumps to shouts of joy: UEFA EURO 2024 is a big, cheerful football festival. Many cities are hosting public viewings. Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig, Munich and Stuttgart are relying on Hörmann for security. OktaBlocks, mobile vehicle barriers that can be positioned flexibly, practically secure fan miles and event sites. They can be bought or hired.
In Berlin alone, there are hundreds of OktaBlocks from Hörmann – for example at the Olympic Stadium, Straße des 17. Juni, Pariser Platz and Alexanderplatz. OktaMovers, hydraulic transport aids that can be used to move the bollards without a forklift or crane, were also supplied. This means that they can be easily moved aside during events to allow emergency vehicles to pass through. A big job for the Hörmann team. Pascal Peek, team leader for access control systems at Hörmann: “We sent nine lorries to Berlin to get all the OktaBlocks to their places of use on time.”
But how do the bollards actually work? In the event of a vehicle collision, the OktaBlock TR tips over. Its serrated base plate wedges itself between the vehicle and the carriageway. The resulting braking effect brings the vehicle to a halt after a few metres and makes it unroadworthy. The OktaBlock TR, which will be used at the European Championships, weighs 450 kilograms and complies with the technical guidelines of the German police. Pascal Peek: “The OktaBlock as a vehicle barrier offers an optimal addition to access protection and is an important part of the security concept of the events. A good feeling for all fans.”
Image 2: As a mobile vehicle barrier, the Hörmann OktaBlock TR practically secures open-air events. ©Hoermann