Cybersecurity in figures: Every second company increases investments in IT security

February 9, 2023

However, the G DATA study also shows that small and medium-sized companies still have a lot of catching up to do.

More than 44 percent of German companies want to spend more money on IT security measures – this is the result of the current study “Cybersicherheit in Zahlen” (Cyber Security in Figures) by G DATA CyberDefense, Statista and brand eins. German employees working in the IT department or management were surveyed. However, the willingness to invest is strongly dependent on the size of the company: Almost 60 percent of large companies with more than 1,000 employees want to increase their investments in IT security. Among SMEs with fewer than 50 employees, only every fourth company wants to increase spending.

Successful attacks on well-known companies of all sectors and sizes have ensured that there is more awareness of cybercrime among IT managers in companies. However, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular still underestimate the danger of falling victim to a cyberattack. This is because SMEs are often part of supply chains of large companies and are interconnected by IT systems. Criminals use the less well-protected SMEs as a gateway to gain access to networks of large companies.

Andreas Lüning, founder and CEO of G DATA CyberDefense AG, comments: “Almost every day you read about successful cyber attacks in the media. In many companies, this has increased awareness of IT security and the investment in security solutions. An own and above all sufficient budget for IT security is necessary to minimise the risks of a failure of digital infrastructures. But SMEs in particular underestimate the advanced digitalisation of systems in their own operations, such as communication and accounting. Today, no one can ignore the risk of an attack.”

Half of IT managers with high IT security competence increase investments

The study “Cybersecurity in Numbers” also proves: those who know the dangers and their opponents show a higher willingness to invest. If the competence of the respondents from the IT sector or the management in the area of IT security is very high, every second person in charge increases their budget for IT security. For those with very little IT competence, only one in six employees advocates more spending on IT security. Especially in small and medium-sized enterprises, IT employees are responsible for many different tasks, such as equipping and connecting IT as well as maintaining and servicing IT systems. If there is insufficient knowledge about IT security and cyber risks, it is difficult to assess dangers and take countermeasures.

Study “Cybersecurity in figures” for download

The study “Cybersecurity in Figures” is characterised by a high density of information and particular methodological depth: More than 5,000 employees in Germany were surveyed within the framework of a representative online study on cyber security in a professional and private context. The experts from Statista conducted the survey and, thanks to a sample size that is far above the usual industry standard, can present robust and valid market research results in the magazine “Cybersicherheit in Zahlen”.

The german-speaking-magazine “Cybersicherheit in Zahlen” is available for download at:

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