Online shopping: 3D scan against returns

Majority of US citizens willing to do so according to NetVirta study – Optimal fit and size guaranteed

62 per cent of US consumers are willing to take 3D scans of their feet and bodies via smartphone to determine the right shoe and clothing sizes when shopping online. This is shown in a survey by The Harris Poll ( This should please the client NetVirta (, a company that developed the 3D body scanning app “Verifyt” needed for this. 2,052 US citizens aged 18 and older were surveyed.

Approved by the FDA

The survey results also show that nearly seven out of ten American consumers (69 per cent) would be more likely to choose a scanning app based on medical precision technology approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ( when shopping for shoes and clothing online. This will also please NetVirta, as their app meets this criterion.

In fact, the use of such an app would make sense in several ways. It would presumably significantly reduce environmentally damaging exchanges by parcel post and save costs, which, if consumers are lucky, would be passed on to them.

Scan takes less than a minute

“The results suggest that people are ready for such technology now,” says Jeff Chen, CEO and co-founder of NetVirta. “It’s clear that consumers value Verifyt’s medical origins – a testament to its credibility. Our precision gives consumers the confidence to choose the right size from home, ultimately leading to a seamless shopping experience with fewer returns and happier customers.”

The Verifyt app uses CurveCapture, the FDA-approved smartphone technology for scanning 3D body shapes. The scan is said to be completed in less than a minute. The app is available for iOS and Android phones. Preferably, sizes are determined for items from NetVirta, which mainly sells fitness and sportswear.

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