myGEZE Control: The next generation networking solution

April 24, 2023

With the new, modular myGEZE Control platform, GEZE is able to integrate door, window and safety technology into the many different areas of building management. The new networking solution supports operators, facility managers, and security service personnel in smooth and efficient building operations. At the same time, it increases their security, energy efficiency, and comfort for building users. Architects and planners benefit from standardised BACnet project management.

Automated processes in the building and central monitoring make using the property more comfortable and safe, while increasing energy efficiency and helping operators and facility management to save costs. myGEZE Control is built on components from renowned automation specialist Beckhoff Automation, and can be integrated into building management systems, danger management and CAFM systems from any manufacturer. Thanks to standardised BACnet project management, this is possible regardless of the service providers or building management product used. In addition, stand-alone visualisation solutions for GEZE product systems are made possible by the myGEZE Visu software option.

Making work easier for facility managers and security personnel

In everyday work, this means greatly simplifying all processes and procedures involved in modern building management. “Instead of inspecting the building on foot for hours at a time and checking whether all doors and windows are closed, caretakers or security service personnel can easily complete their work with a tablet thanks to myGEZE Control” says Jürgen Keller, Product Manager Connectivity – Integrated Solutions at GEZE. “This gives them an overview of all of the doors and windows, lets them see where systems are not yet closed, or where the lighting is still switched on, etc.” Users can use the central control unit on a device to trigger a scenario and put the building in secure night mode with just a click. The platform also detects, for example, if cleaning personnel are still in the building. It can program an automatic timer function that will re-activate night mode again later on. “This saves a lot of time – and cash!”

myGEZE Control: Efficient control, even of complex systems

The new networking solution from GEZE provides support even for complex scenarios like restricted access areas, accessibility, fire protection or emergency exit protection. It also supports users with energy-intensive building conditioning. A large number of components and scenarios must interact in order to ensure, for example, that offices are always air-conditioned and ventilated optimally. Night-time cooling should be available, for instance, to create a good indoor climate at the start of the day. The façade should react intuitively to changing exterior or framework conditions and automatically extend shading, then open and close windows automatically depending on the outdoor temperature. “Thanks to myGEZE Control, these kinds of complex systems can be programmed and controlled, in a cost-efficient and energy-saving manner” says the GEZE expert. In this way, myGEZE Control also contributes to the sustainable and liveable buildings of the future.

Service for architects and planners: GEZE provides advice and support for project management.

Whether simple solutions for facility management or complex automation solutions for building safety are needed – GEZE supports its customers right from the start: “We don’t just deliver the technical solution and individual components. Upon request, we can also handle project management or sub-project management, and help plan windows and doors in the building”, Jürgen Keller explains.

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