BDLS submits offer on time bonuses and executive bonuses

April 2, 2023

On April 1, 2023, the BDLS submitted an offer to the ver.di and dbb unions in the ongoing negotiations on time bonuses and executive bonuses.

After some negotiations and collective bargaining talks, the employer side has decided to make an official offer. “In the talks with the unions, we had already made it clear time and again in previous meetings what we could imagine, but never officially offered this,” said Rainer Friebertshäuser, head of the BDLS bargaining committee. “However, in order to now make our will to conclude clear and hopefully prevent further strike action, we have taken this step and made our offer in writing. We hope for a positive response before Easter and will also be happy to return to the negotiating table,” Friebertshäuser continued.

The offer in detail:

  • From January 1, 2024
  • Abolition of NZ imputation
  • Increase in public holiday pay from 100% to 125
  • Increase in night surcharge from 15% to 20% from 22-6 hrs.
  • Treat Whit Sunday and Easter Sunday as public holidays
  • Increase overtime bonus from 25 % to 30
  • Introduction of executive bonuses:
  • Cert. Supervisors from EG I to III (level 1) 1.50 €
  • Level 1 executives (Level 2) €2.00
  • Level 2 managers € 2.50
  • Certified trainers € 2.00

Vested rights for existing more favorable agreements
The offer represents a huge burden for the employer side, in addition to the pay increases that will take effect on April 1, 2023. With total pay increases of up to 28.2 percent, the 2022 settlement was far higher than in other sectors, even though the air transport industry had not yet fully recovered from the pandemic.

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