In the event of a fire, just a few minutes are enough to fill rooms and stairwells with, in the worst case, deadly smoke gases. Smoke and heat extraction systems ensure a low-smoke layer, facilitate the evacuation of persons as well as the deployment of rescue forces and can thus save lives. They therefore represent an important component of a holistic fire protection concept.
The complex subject of smoke and heat ventilation systems (SHE) is dealt with in the third edition of the BHE Practical Guide in an understandable and comprehensive manner.
The reader is given a detailed overview of the construction and different types of smoke and heat ventilation systems as well as their components.
Detailed information on the relevant standards and guidelines as well as numerous practical tips on planning, installation, maintenance and documentation of smoke and heat ventilation systems make the new edition a valuable reference work in everyday work. In addition, the legal principles and building authority requirements for smoke and heat extraction systems are explained.
Further chapters deal, among other things, with the topics of risk and hazard assessment, lift shaft smoke extraction and the testing and maintenance of SHEVS.
The BHE Practical Guide to Smoke and Heat Exhaust Ventilation Systems is available at a price of € 17.80 (plus VAT and shipping). Graduated prices are available for larger order quantities. Orders can be placed by e-mail ( or fax (06386 9214-99).
Various reading samples and the table of contents can be found at