Companies use digital building technology

May 8, 2023

BITKOM surveyed over 600 companies – heating, air and light are already regulated automatically

According to a new survey by the digital association BITKOM (, more and more companies in Germany are using smart building technologies in the areas of heating, air and light for offices, warehouses or factory halls. Especially when it comes to lighting: 42 percent of the 603 companies surveyed now use intelligent lighting that is switched on and off automatically.

Saving energy, cutting costs
According to the survey, applications for intelligent lighting control are more widespread in industry (52 percent) than in services (41 percent) and trade (32 percent). Smart technologies are also increasingly being used for heating. One third of all companies (31 percent) use intelligent radiator thermostats to control the temperature smartly depending on the time of day, weather or room.

At 16 percent, the complete control of the heating systems is carried out via digital remote monitoring and remote optimisation, and among industrial companies it is already 23 percent. One fifth of the companies (22 percent) use intelligent shading, where roller shutters or awnings automatically provide cooling when the sun shines through the windows. Windows open or windows closed? 15 percent of the companies rely on intelligent ventilation, where this question no longer arises.

Remote monitoring and optimisation
Many companies that do not yet use these technologies are, however, considering doing so in the future. 56 percent can imagine using intelligent heating control via remote monitoring and optimisation in the future. 53 percent consider intelligent ventilation conceivable and 49 percent are open to smart heating thermostats. 47 percent would use intelligent shading in the future and 34 percent intelligent lighting.

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