30 years of noris network: Beach party for the company anniversary

July 9, 2023

noris network board members and supervisory board members in discussion. / Photo source: noris network

noris network, operator of highly secure data centres with locations in Nuremberg, Munich and Hof, duly celebrated its 30th anniversary with a big party. Under the motto “Come to the Beach – Happy Birthday noris network”, around 500 guests accepted the invitation to the boathouse at Dutzendteich.In 1993 – when the Internet was still new territory in the truest sense of the word – noris network was the first ISP in Northern Bavaria to start its business activities. Today, the company is one of Germany’s leading IT service providers and data centre providers. A 30-year success story that had to be duly celebrated: Under the motto “Come to the Beach – Happy Birthday noris network”, the company had invited to a big party in the boathouse at Dutzendteich in Nuremberg on 14 June 2023.In addition to the noris network Management Board members Ingo Kraupa, CEO, Joachim Astel, CRO, and Florian Sippel, COO, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board Stefan Schnabel and the Supervisory Board members Matthias Urlichs and Andrea Lengenfeld also attended the company anniversary. Dr. Michael Fraas, Economic Officer of the City of Nuremberg, Prof. Michael Rotert, noris network’s companion from the very beginning, Georg Büttner, Managing Director of Finanz Informatik Technologie Service and Chairman of noris network’s Customer Advisory Board, Johannes Bisping, Managing Partner of the IT and telecommunications company Bisping & Bisping GmbH & Co. KG and Nevzat Bucioglu, Sales Director Enterprise & Commercial, of the main sponsor Hitachi Vantara. “We are delighted to welcome so many friends, customers, partners and employees here today,” said noris network CEO Kraupa at the opening of the celebrations. “We also owe our success to the many companions from three decades of corporate activity.”While Vando Oliviera and band as well as DJ and music producer Daniel Troha provided the musical entertainment, pedalos were available for guests to take a ride on the Dutzendteich at the pedal boat rental. The party was accompanied by a prize competition with vouchers for the Therme Erding, Lamzacs from noris network and deck chairs from Hitachi Ventara. Incidentally, the German Marine Conservation Foundation also had a reason to celebrate: in keeping with the beach feeling, noris network donated a contribution per participant to the organisation.

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