CONDOR Group informs Kenyan delegation

October 10, 2022

Within the framework of the world’s leading trade fair for security (security) in Essen, the CONDOR Group welcomed a group of security experts from Kenya. They had informed themselves about the latest technologies and services at the fair. The visit was organised together with the Kenya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and the Hanover Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK). At the request of the delegation participants, a successful medium-sized security company was deliberately visited in order to gain knowledge about training, processes and procedures in the German security industry. As managing partner, Stephan Toussaint welcomed the delegation “to our family-owned company, which unites many different services, products and partners under one roof”.

In addition to the classical security and property protection including emergency call and service control centres certified by VdS Schadenverhütung, the CONDOR Group is also active in the areas of track construction security and aviation security as well as maritime security. For some years now, the CONDOR companies have also been offering far-reaching services ranging from the training of pilots and the sale of drones to their own start-up development of a VTOL drone (Germandrones Songbird). Therefore, a not “quite ordinary” medium-sized security company awaited the delegation participants. “We have been working for several years on the use of drones and robotics as a means of improving the quality of security services. This includes relieving the workload of employees. In the meantime, with the individual companies that are bundled in the CONDOR Solutions business unit, we have proven, resilient deployment concepts and resources for a wide range of applications. This makes us the technology driver in the industry,” Johannes Toussaint emphasised to those present.

Nevertheless, security services are and remain a question of trust and are tied to people. “And this is precisely where the challenge lies in Germany,” Toussaint continued. The CONDOR Group could immediately bring almost 100 employees into employment subject to social security contributions at its 15 locations in Germany. The market is empty, he said. “Shift, weekend and holiday work is also not attractive for some,” notes Johannes Toussaint. This is despite the fact that the industry-specific minimum wage and the collectively agreed regulations can stand up to industry comparisons.

The visiting programme of the Kenyan security experts was completed by the information and demonstrations of the partner PASS-Medientechnik about highly mobile and, with more than 130dB, extremely powerful loudspeaker systems as well as the Blackbird security drone by Nightingale Security. The use of the Blackbird in combination with the emergency call and service control centre has a preventive effect by means of unpredictable patrol flights and takes over security tasks triggered by an alarm.

The products and services presented, but also the training concepts and the obvious need for personnel in Germany, led to a lively exchange with the delegation participants. “For us, the visit was a good opportunity to present our portfolio and to address the general situation in the industry and its effects on us as a medium-sized family business. Possibly, this will result in potentials for CONDOR in Kenya as well as for the Kenyan companies in Germany”, Johannes Toussaint concludes.

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