A quarter of German industry relies on 5G campus networks

November 15, 2022

Networking, remote maintenance, mobile robots: 5G technology has a wide range of applications in industry. So that these can be used efficiently, so-called campus networks help. These can be their own local networks with their own frequencies in a limited area or a combination of the public mobile network and a private network. 26 per cent of industrial companies want to set up such campus networks with 5G or have already done so – 7 per cent plan to do so on their own and 19 per cent through a mobile network provider. This is shown by a representative survey commissioned by the digital association Bitkom among more than 500 industrial companies with 100 or more employees in Germany. “5G is a key technology for the digitalisation of industry. It ensures a high degree of automation, greater flexibility in logistics, higher efficiency as well as more transparency and controllability,” explains Nick Kriegeskotte, Head of Infrastructure and Regulation at Bitkom. “In campus networks as a locally limited radio network of a company, sensitive data can be transported particularly quickly and securely, as it does not have to leave the factory premises.”

5G is versatile in production. 85 per cent of companies using 5G, planning to do so or discussing it, want to use the radio standard for networking production facilities or are already doing so, and 79 per cent in controlling machines in real time. Around three quarters (74 percent) see potential for remote maintenance of plants and almost as many (71 percent) for assistance systems such as AR and VR. Almost two-thirds (65 percent) also see potential for 5G for autonomous vehicles and transport systems. Four out of ten companies (40 percent) want to use 5G for the deployment of mobile robots or are already doing so. “5G is an important building block for the implementation of smart production. Data can be linked and evaluated in real time,” Kriegeskotte says.

Note on methodology: The data is based on a survey conducted by Bitkom Research on behalf of the digital association Bitkom. In the process, 553 industrial companies in Germany with 100 or more employees were interviewed by telephone. The survey is representative. The questions were: “To what extent do you use a 5G campus network or want to do so in the future?”, “For which of the following application scenarios do you already use 5G in your company or do you want to use 5G in the future?”.

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