Economic survey shows slight upswing in the security market

June 7, 2023

The economic situation in the security market seems to be slowly stabilising. According to the current spring economic survey of the BHE Bundesverband Sicherheitstechnik e.V. (Federal Association for Security Technology), many survey values still show clear effects of the numerous worldwide crises, but compared to the previous year, a slight recovery can be seen in some areas. For example, the specialist companies assess the current business situation with a value of 2.03 somewhat more positively than in autumn 2022 (2.15). Around 78 percent of the firms gave the marks “very good” or “good”; about half a year ago, only around 69 percent of the firms gave such a positive assessment.

This upward trend is also reflected in the individual customer groups. After the third worst result since the beginning of the survey was reported at the end of last year in both the private and business customer sectors, the business situation has improved slightly again in both customer groups (private 2.92 compared to 3.04 and business 2.07 compared to 2.33). However, both sectors are still well below pre-pandemic levels. The government sector was also able to recover and is currently at a value of 2.47.

A look at the individual trade sectors shows that almost all trades were able to improve. The strongest upswing was recorded by fire alarm systems with a score of 1.91 (autumn 2022: 2.04), closely followed by video security (2.23 compared to 2.34). Access control (2.11 compared to 2.20) and burglar alarm systems (2.42; autumn 2022: 2.47) also saw a slight positive development.

Smoke and heat extraction systems confirmed the result of the last two surveys with a score of 2.09.

The companies are somewhat more optimistic about the coming months than last autumn (2.45). With a mark of 2.24, they assess the future business situation as similar to that in spring 2022 (mark 2.22).

According to the current survey, the share of companies looking for new employees is declining somewhat. While 57 percent were looking to hire new employees in autumn 2022, this figure has now dropped to 55 percent.

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