Collective bargaining on time bonuses and executive allowances for security staff at commercial airports postponed

April 13, 2023

On 12 April 2023, the collective bargaining commission of the BDLS met with the trade unions ver.di and dbb tarifunion. The topics were the demands for an increase in time bonuses and the introduction of executive bonuses.

“We have once again improved our offer submitted on 31 March 2023. In the area of overtime bonuses, we have taken a clear step towards the unions and have brought our offer closer to the demands on two days of negotiations,” said Rainer Friebertshäuser. Head of the Collective Bargaining Commission of the BDLS. “In any case, the differences between the large and the smaller airports as well as the different areas of activity must be considered in a differentiated way and regulations must be agreed flexibly accordingly. The volatility between the summer and winter travel schedule is particularly pronounced at some airports. Here, employers and also employees must be enabled to continue to implement existing models in order to preserve jobs,” Friebertshäuser concluded.

The devil is in the detail here, which is why no amicable solution could be found yesterday. Negotiations will continue on 27 and 28 April 2023 in Berlin.

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