Modern body cams ensure even more safety in case of emergency

February 9, 2023

From February 2023, customer service staff on the Black Forest Railway will be equipped with state-of-the-art body cams to ensure increased safety.

In order to make the everyday work of all customer service staff safer, DB Regio is starting a pilot project together with the Offenburg Federal Police. For one year, body cams will be used on the Black Forest railway line to ensure increased safety for passengers and staff.

The body cameras will only be activated in critical and escalating situations and only after explicit notification. The recordings and the data obtained from them can only be read out, saved and used by the Offenburg Federal Police. Recorded persons or those directly affected by the recording will be given an information card after the event informing them of their rights and contact persons. The wearing of body cams has already been tested in other regions and has been proven to increase safety. We are therefore pleased to be able to use the bodycams on the Black Forest Railway and hope to make your journey safer in the future.

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