Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity and agilimo Consulting: Strategic partnership for ultra-mobile working with sensitive data on iPhone and iPad

July 10, 2023

IT security expert Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity and secure mobile working expert agilimo Consulting are pooling their expertise to offer ultra-mobile working in accordance with the VS-NfD standard on iPhones and iPads in the future.

Indigo (iOS Native Devices in Government Operation) is Apple’s ultra-mobile, secure solution for iPhones and iPads in government use. It enables customers to use these end devices for data up to classification level VS-NfD. Compared to non-native solutions for the VS market, the Indigo platform offers many advantages such as the use of standard Apple hardware and software as well as native apps and 5 years of Apple support after product launch. Since October 2022, Indigo has been approved for use by the BSI (German Federal Office for Information Security).

Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity and agilimo Consulting have now pooled their expertise to make the implementation of the deployment permit as easy as possible for customers. The all-in-one solution from the two experts consists of a complete VPN backend, mobile device management and automated certificate management – in compliance with the security requirements of the BSI.

“We are delighted to have agilimo Consulting as a strong partner at our side,” says Marian Rachow, CEO Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity. “Together we want to offer the best possible protection of sensitive mobile data with maximum user-friendliness. Initial joint projects show that our expertise complements each other perfectly – especially when it comes to solutions for public authorities, organisations and secretive companies.”

Marcus Heinrich, CEO of agilimo Consulting, explains: “We are already working successfully with security solutions from Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity such as R&S Trusted VPN or R&S Trusted Disk to provide our customers with the best possible security solutions.

R&S Trusted Disk to implement solutions with VS-NfD standard for our customers.

standard. We are taking the experience and developments from our previous cooperation to a new level with this strategic partnership for the implementation of highly secure work with mobile devices.”

IT security expert Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity offers VS-NfD-approved high-speed network encryption and zero-trust-based endpoint security. Most of these products are approved by the BSI for securing VS-NfD-rated data. agilimo Consulting is an expert in highly secure work with mobile devices and serves private-sector companies as well as numerous government-related organisations.

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