Herrmann publishes traffic accident statistics for the first half of 2023

August 10, 2023

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann publishes traffic accident statistics for the first half of 2023: More road accidents, but significantly fewer deaths and injuries – Bavaria’s roads safer than ever before – Main accident perpetrators still targeted by police

+++ Significantly fewer accident victims, but slightly more traffic accidents on Bavaria’s roads – that is the main message of the Bavarian traffic accident statistics for the first half of 2023 published today by Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. 183,247 traffic accidents occurred from January to June, an increase of 2.4 percent compared to the same period last year. In the process, 202 people were killed (-9 per cent, first half of 2022: 222) and 27,024 people were injured (-5.4 per cent, first half of 2022: 28,555). Herrmann emphasised: “For road users, Bavarian roads are safer than ever.” According to Herrmann, the traffic experts of the Bavarian police are currently analysing the half-year results in order to specifically address the possible causes of accidents with the Bavarian road safety programme ‘Bayern mobil – sicher ans Ziel’. “To ensure the safety of our roads, the Bavarian police are still particularly targeting speeders, unfit drivers, those who do not wear seatbelts and mobile phone offenders,” said the Minister of the Interior. At the beginning of the school year in mid-September, there will again be several days of special campaigns planned. +++

As Herrmann pointed out, the number of road accidents with personal injury in the first half of 2023 decreased by 6.4 per cent to 21,287 compared to the same period last year. The number of motorcyclists killed increased to 40 (+27.3 per cent). The number of pedestrians killed decreased by 4.5 per cent to 21, while the number of cyclists killed was 32, the same as last year. As in H1 2022, two children were killed in road traffic accidents, the number of young drivers killed decreased slightly by one to 16, but the number of senior citizens aged 65 and over killed increased by 5.8 per cent to 73. Heavy goods vehicles were involved in 1,351 road accidents with personal injury in Bavaria (-5.7 per cent). 42 people lost their lives (-8.7 percent). A total of 55,414 accidents occurred on Bavarian rural roads, a slight increase of 0.4 per cent compared to the same period last year. The number of people injured in these accidents fell to 8,748 (-4.1 per cent), the number of fatalities to 142 (-0.7 per cent).

6,264 road accidents in Bavaria were due to inappropriate or excessive speed (-4.8 per cent), a total of 49 people lost their lives (-14 per cent). The Minister of the Interior is concerned that 19 people again died on Bavaria’s roads because they were not wearing seat belts – an increase of 18.8 percent compared to the previous year: “This would not have to be the case if every vehicle occupant wore a seat belt. This recklessness costs many lives unnecessarily every year in Bavaria as well.” The number of accidents under the influence of alcohol fell to 2,169 (-12.9 per cent, 1st half of 2022: 2,489). The number of people killed in these accidents almost halved: from 26 in the 1st half of 2022 to 14 people. There were 294 traffic accidents under the influence of drugs, a decrease of 5.5 percent. Three people were killed (1st half of 2022: 4).

According to Herrmann, the increase in fatal accidents involving motorcyclists is particularly worrying. Excessively risky and fast driving in particular are the main causes of serious motorbike accidents, he said. “Every biker has it in his own hands not to endanger himself and others without need,” Herrmann warned.

Making Bavaria’s roads even safer is the goal of the Bavarian Road Safety Programme ‘Bayern mobil – sicher ans Ziel’ (Bavaria mobile – safely to your destination), which can be found at www.sichermobil.bayern.de. The measures range from increased publicity to the promotion of motorcycling. The measures range from increased public relations work to traffic monitoring and improved traffic area design.

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