Germany: Strike actions in aviation security continue

April 21, 2023

Today, ver.di continues its strikes at several German airports. It is also to be expected that further airports will be struck next week.

“What is happening here has nothing to do with warning strikes. With publicity and in the sense of a membership recruitment campaign, ver.di is paralysing the airports for the whole day, thus affecting domestic German air traffic over a large area as well as a large number of international connections,” said BDLS President Udo Hansen. What needs to be underlined once again: it is not about pay increases. Full-time employees in passenger screening have been earning around € 3,600 including bonuses and other benefits since 1 April. “The statements that we have not made an offer are simply lies. We have made an offer to increase night, holiday and overtime bonuses. Ver.di, on the other hand, has not made a single step towards us since the demands were made. In negotiations it is usual that each side makes concessions, but ver.di stuck to the maximum demand. This includes the introduction of a Saturday surcharge for a trade that usually works on Saturdays. This is not enforceable,” Hansen concluded.

So far, the federation has not been informed by ver.di about the strike measures and only learned about them from the press. Such behaviour is actually unusual in a living social partnership. For passengers and all those affected by the strike measures, the BDLS calls on ver.di to refrain from further strike action and to resolve the conflict finally and responsibly in the negotiations on 27/28 April 2023 in Berlin.

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