The new Check Point Horizon XDR/XPR: A collaborative solution to prevent cyber threats on all fronts.

February 13, 2023

Check Point Software enhances cybersecurity with a focus on proactive prevention through intelligent correlation of data to prevent the spread of cyber attacks across all vectors and minimise the impact of threats

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd, a global leader in cybersecurity solutions, announces the launch of Check Point Horizon XDR/XPR, a collaborative cybersecurity solution that effectively defends organisations against evolving cyber threats by intelligently correlating data to stop attacks across all vectors, minimising the impact of threats and providing administrators and analysts with an easy way to understand and respond to incidents.

With the ever-evolving threat landscape, organisations are struggling to effectively defend against cyber-attacks. Traditional security solutions focus on detection, leaving the responsibility of incident management, search and investigation to the Security Operations Centre. This can lead to a reactive approach to cyber security that leaves networks vulnerable to threats. Check Point Horizon XDR/XPR is the first XDR solution to focus on prevention. It integrates with both Check Point and third-party security solutions to prevent cyber threats from impacting the entire network. By intelligently correlating data, the platform stops attacks across all vectors, including email, cloud, networks and endpoints. In this way, the impact of cyber threats is minimised and administrators and analysts can easily understand what happened and who is associated with a security incident.

“The XDR (Extended Detection and Response) movement was essentially driven by the growth of a more advanced, cross-vector threat landscape. Yet, prevention solutions remained isolated and were often unable to defend against advanced threats,” said Dave Gruber, Principal Analyst at ESG. “The introduction of Check Point’s Extended Prevention and Response introduces an advanced integrated approach to threat prevention that follows the principles already proven by XDR solutions. This advance in collaborative prevention technology looks promising and could be transformational across the security industry.”

“At the same time, the XDR movement recognises the complexity of modern threats and offers a more holistic, enterprise-wide approach to threat detection and response. However, advanced detection and response only covers half of the security equation, leaving prevention in silos,” said Maya Horowitz, VP of Research at Check Point Software. “Check Point Horizon XDR/XPR elevates siloed prevention mechanisms in a similar way that XDR elevated siloed detection and response, transforming prevention into a collaborative function across multiple threat vectors. Working with XDR, XPR stops advanced threats while continuously improving the security posture in parallel with changes in the threat landscape. Horizon was developed by the Check Point Research team and provides customers with the data tools and expertise of our specialists.”

Check Point Horizon XDR/XPR provides a comprehensive, consolidated and collaborative approach to threat defence and includes the following features:

– Comprehensive threat protection: Instant, comprehensive threat prevention across all parts of the security infrastructure, detecting and correlating seemingly innocuous events to detect cyber-attacks. The platform can take immediate preventative action, such as blocking, terminating processes or isolating resources and files, and integrates with both Check Point and third-party security products.

– Optimised cybersecurity management: The Horizon platform provides an optimised security posture and consolidated analytics that give organisations insight into attack behaviour, context and damage, as well as detailed analysis on indicators of compromise.

– Continuous Security Posture Improvement: Continuously improve the security posture with intelligent threat and event correlation that draws on multiple data sets, including indicators of compromise, the global threat landscape, Check Point research findings and third-party data streams.

– Collaborative security operations: The platform enables organisations to consolidate and optimise their security operations and improve collaboration between security and IT teams to strengthen threat mitigation across multiple vectors.

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