Velbert Fire Brigade (Germany): High property damage due to large fire in bus depot

December 27, 2022

On 26 December 2022 at around 0:10 a.m., the full-time fire brigade and the volunteer fire brigades 1 and 2 of the Velbert fire brigade were alerted to Hixholzer Weg with the keyword “large-scale commercial”.

Several callers had reported a bright fire to the police.

On their way to the scene of the fire, the firemen were immediately led to the scene of the fire. Six buses were already on fire on a private property. In order to prevent the fire from spreading to other vehicles, two steel pipes were immediately used to set up a barrier on both sides.

After the fire brigade from Velbert Mitte had established a water supply from Hixholzer Weg over a distance of 400 m, two more jet pipes were used under breathing protection.

Meanwhile, the Tönisheide fire brigade provided basic protection for Velbert Mitte at Kopernikusstraße.

As the incident progressed, it was discovered that diesel fuel had leaked from the almost completely destroyed buses. The sewer inlets were sealed off and diked with binding agent. The environmental agency ordered a suction truck to collect the contaminated fire-fighting water.

A power line affected by the fire was checked by the Velbert public utility company.

The fire was under control after about 30 minutes. However, the extinguishing work lasted until 3:30 am.

A total of 8 buses, one car and one truck were affected. The police estimate the damage at about 1.3 million EUR.

After the emergency vehicles had been refitted and were ready for action again at around 4:30 a.m., all emergency services hoped for a quiet Boxing Day.

Velbert Fire Brigade (Germany): High property damage due to large fire in bus depot

On 26 December 2022 at around 0:10 a.m., the full-time fire brigade and the volunteer fire brigades 1 and 2 of the Velbert fire brigade were alerted to Hixholzer Weg with the keyword “large-scale commercial”.

Several callers had reported a bright fire to the police.

On their way to the scene of the fire, the firemen were immediately led to the scene of the fire. Six buses were already on fire on a private property. In order to prevent the fire from spreading to other vehicles, two steel pipes were immediately used to set up a barrier on both sides.

After the fire brigade from Velbert Mitte had established a water supply from Hixholzer Weg over a distance of 400 m, two more jet pipes were used under breathing protection.

Meanwhile, the Tönisheide fire brigade provided basic protection for Velbert Mitte at Kopernikusstraße.

As the incident progressed, it was discovered that diesel fuel had leaked from the almost completely destroyed buses. The sewer inlets were sealed off and diked with binding agent. The environmental agency ordered a suction truck to collect the contaminated fire-fighting water.

A power line affected by the fire was checked by the Velbert public utility company.

The fire was under control after about 30 minutes. However, the extinguishing work lasted until 3:30 am.

A total of 8 buses, one car and one truck were affected. The police estimate the damage at about 1.3 million EUR.

After the emergency vehicles had been refitted and were ready for action again at around 4:30 a.m., all emergency services hoped for a quiet Boxing Day.

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