New EMERGENCY STOP button with M12 connection for easy integration

March 7, 2023

In times of a shortage of skilled workers, technical devices that can be installed in a time-saving manner and, if possible, without the need for highly qualified personnel, come into their own. Wieland Electric has such a solution ready for safety technology in mechanical engineering and intralogistics: New emergency stop buttons are available for the safe, manual shutdown of machines and systems. Thanks to the M12 connection, they can be easily integrated into plants and systems using pre-assembled M12 standard cables.
With the introduction of the new emergency stop buttons, Wieland Electric not only meets the increasing demand for M12 connections in industry, but also expands its portfolio with ready-to-use variants that offer numerous advantages due to their plug & play installation. This includes reducing installation time and cabling effort as well as avoiding cabling errors during installation. Thanks to the compact and robust design, the emergency stop buttons can be installed in control cabinets and panels, but are also suitable – thanks to the IP65 and IP67 protection class design – for installation in the field where harsh ambient conditions prevail.

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