RKD24CT electronic key cabinet is an electromechanical key management and monitoring system. Each monitored key is permanently attached to the RFID key fob by the user. The attachment of the key fob does not require any special tool or seal.
If necessary, the key and fob can be connected by an additional seal. Each key is stored in its own container with a lid. Access to the keys is limited to authorized users and according to predefined schedules. Keys can be divided into two groups: internal and external. The key of the internal group can be collected by the user if he/she has previously returned all the keys of the external group.
The user can reserve the key for a certain period of one week. It is also possible to set the maximum time for which a certain key can be collected or the time when it must be returned.
In case of need, all keys can be released without an electronic control panel.
Any attempt to force open boxes or equipment enclosures is registered in the event log and can be signaled on the external device or system. The RKD24CT has a graphical touch control panel with built-in proximity reader that can control up to six cabinets (1 main cabinet RKD24CT and 5 expansion cabinets RKD24CT-EXT or RKD32EXT).
User identification can be done via the Wiegand interface or via RS485 (Roger) on the control panel or on the external reader. In particular, it can be the RFT1000 fingerprint reader (Roger). The panel’s software provides a simple icon-based graphical interface that requires only brief training before use.
RKD24CT cabinets can be operated as standalone or networked. In networked mode, cabinet configuration and event monitoring is done through the RACS 5 access system (Roger). The same access data (card, PINs) can be used in the access control system and in the key depot. In standalone mode, the cabinet can be managed via a graphical control panel or remotely via a web browser. For integration with third-party systems, the SDK is offered on individual terms.