Security Essen – Stand 5C29.21: An interview with Managing Director Steffen Jacob – EDS Systeme GmbH from Frankenblick

September 18, 2022

7systems GmbH inquires – This time the GmbH inquired with its own customer, the company EDS Systeme GmbH from Thuringia. Together with the managing director Steffen Jacob, they asked.

Jürgen Vogel:
What are the biggest advantages for you when working with BMAcloud?

Steffen Jacob:
For us, the three most important advantages are that the maintenance and processing of the detector checklist is automated, that a one-man revision is possible, and that we can import our existing customer data quite easily.

Jürgen Vogel:
Where do you have the biggest savings when working with BMAcloud? E.g. preparation, follow-up, document management, time savings in the maintenance itself, personnel savings, etc.?

Steffen Jacob:
First and foremost, by eliminating the annual revision of detector checklists. In the past, we had to go to great lengths to maintain this in Excel, but now it is completely automated with the BMAcloud. In addition, we save an enormous amount of time in the documentation of the detector test.

Jürgen Vogel:
How does the BMAcloud support you in the area of quality assurance?

Steffen Jacob:
Automation reduces the error rate in the transmission of the detector test to almost zero.

Jürgen Vogel:
What do you think is the biggest advantage of the BMAcloud for your customers?

Steffen Jacob:
I think that you have an actual overview of the tested detectors at all times.

Jürgen Vogel:
You have decided to have your own server. Why? How did you perceive the setting up of the server at your site…what was good, what can we do better?

Steffen Jacob:
Setting up the server including the complete setup was done in just one day and so far everything is working fine. One suggestion for improvement from my side: The Linux operating system used should be brought up to date.

Jürgen Vogel:
Which topics should we further develop or optimize?

Steffen Jacob:
It would be nice if in the future a full adaptation / modification of the protocols would be possible. E.g. the heading should be freely selectable. Therefore, it is not possible to see directly at first glance whether BMA or EMA have been maintained/inspired. For us, an automatic test protocol transfer to ES2000 would also be really good.

Jürgen Vogel:
Thank you Steffen, for your honest feedback and your choice for the BMAcloud.
It is important for us to listen to our customers and to continuously optimize and develop our software with the help of such constructive customer feedback.

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