Tetronik: Call system with voice function

May 2, 2023

Added value for staff through direct communication

The optimisation of internal work processes in the health care sector saves time and money. In times of increasing cost pressure, neither clinics nor care facilities can afford unnecessary routes and long information chains. Above all, precious time is lost that your staff urgently needs for the care of patients and residents.

Call systems from tetronik help you to increase the availability of your staff and thus save valuable time.

Modern and innovative nurse call systems offer the possibility for nursing staff to directly contact the persons to be cared for. This applies equally to senior citizen and care facilities as well as hospitals.

Speech has always enabled people to receive comprehensive information. In relation to a call system, it can mean asking the reason for the call so that appropriate measures can be taken or organised immediately. However, speech also has a calming effect, especially on the person who is dependent on support or help.

In counselling interviews, the objection is raised from time to time that the language is too impersonal, is perceived as disturbing and is generally rejected for these reasons. This cannot be completely dismissed.

In many cases, however, it turns out that the employees do not even know that the existing call system has the feature of speech.

The aim of our nurse call systems is by no means to reduce the personal contact between residents / patients and the nursing staff. Exactly the opposite is the case when these concepts are used in a targeted and demand-oriented manner.

In the facilities, for example, more nursing staff work on a ward or living area during the day than in the afternoon or at night.

The experience of our customers shows, for example, that the voice function is used much less frequently during the day.

In contrast, the comfort of a voice connection to the caller during the night is perceived as extremely relieving by the nursing staff.

This is usually attributed to reduced staffing levels, while bed occupancy remains the same.

In addition, not every call per se represents an emergency situation. And this is exactly where a call system with voice function pays off. Without knowing the reason for raising the call, the nursing staff has to reset the call in the respective room. If, on the other hand, the call can be interrogated and the urgency assessed by the nursing staff, interrogated calls can be cancelled remotely.

The Corona pandemic was also an extraordinary challenge for health care facilities, nursing staff and the persons to be cared for. For example, protective suits had to be put on when entering a room and taken off and disposed of after leaving. We have received feedback from our customers that with the FN 6000 voice terminals it was possible to address them quickly and specifically without having to enter the room.

As proof, a tetronik call system documents all answered calls that were processed via remote cancellation.

The special feature of our voice terminals is also an integrated sensor for acoustic call triggering. Two conditions must be fulfilled for this. These are a defined volume level which is detected for a defined time. If both conditions are met, the voice terminal can automatically send a call to the nursing staff. Although terms such as “baby monitor” describe the function in principle, the reliability and flexibility of our products are on a completely different level.


Call systems with speech may cost a little more to purchase, but the added value should not be disregarded when calculated over a period of 30 years.

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