The new board of ASW West together with Managing Director Britta Brisch (5th from left): Katharina Geutebrück, Dr. Christian Endreß, Christian Vogt, Prof. Michael Negri, Andreas Kaus, Dr. Patrick Hennies and Frank Ewald (from left). Not in the picture: Christian Kromberg. Photo: © KÖTTER Services.
Advising companies and organisations on security-related issues, networking at the highest level, promoting economic protection: three of several goals and topics to which the ASW West – Allianz für Sicherheit in der Wirtschaft West e.V. has dedicated itself. At the annual general meeting, the members elected a new board. Among others, Andreas Kaus, Managing Director of the KÖTTER Security Group, is represented on the board.
The board also includes the following members: Christian Vogt (Chairman), Head of Group Security and Group Data Protection Officer at CLAAS Group; Katharina Geutebrück (Deputy Chairman), Managing Director of GEUTEBRÜCK GmbH; Dr Patrick Hennies (Deputy Chairman), Director Corporate Health, Safety & Security at Henkel AG & Co. KGaA; Dr. Christian Endreß, Senior Manager | Financial Advisory – Forensic at the auditing company Deloitte; Frank Ewald, Head of Group Security, Deutsche Post DHL; Christian Kromberg, Alderman of the City of Essen (Division for General Administration, Law, Public Safety and Order), and Prof. Michael Negri, Department of Economics at the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM) in Bielefeld.
“I am pleased about my election and the future tasks in the ASW Board and thank the members quite sincerely for the trust they have placed in me,” Andreas Kaus stated at the meeting, which took place yesterday at the headquarters of the family-owned company in Essen. He added: “The future of economic development in North Rhine-Westphalia depends not only to a large extent on digitalisation in companies and the recruitment of skilled workers there, but above all on these companies adequately protecting themselves against the very current dangers such as increasing cyber attacks, industrial espionage, burglaries and the countless other risks. As part of the ASW board work, I would also like to make my contribution to more corporate security in NRW.”
The ASW West counts companies from a wide range of sectors among its members: from small local service providers and regional media companies to global players from the energy and chemical industries. They are all united by the realisation that security can be decisive for the survival of a company. Kaus: “It is the companies based in NRW that give “Made in Germany” a face worldwide. Behind ‘Made in Germany’ are technological progress, the highest quality and precision. Unfortunately, this also means that NRW companies are sought-after targets for white-collar crime.”
The threat situation for companies in NRW is as dynamic as it is complex. The ASW West is facing up to this with anticipatory prevention work, the further advancement of the NRW Security Partnership and a high degree of specialisation in, for example, working groups from whose results, among others, the member companies benefit. “The ASW West in particular and the ASW Bundesverband in general have developed into an important voice in the security architecture of North Rhine-Westphalia and Germany. We are pleased to welcome a competent and extremely experienced member to the board in Andreas Kaus,” explained Christian Vogt, Chairman of the Board of ASW West and Head of Group Security at the globally active agricultural machinery manufacturer CLAAS from Harsewinkel.
“At the same time, we would like to thank his predecessor in office Roland vom Brauck for his 27 years of board work in total,” Vogt continued. “With his expertise, experience and commitment, he was not alone in providing decisive impetus for our association work during this time. In this way, Roland vom Brauck has above all made an important contribution to steadily advancing economic protection, especially in North Rhine-Westphalia. He was quick to point out the importance of smart security solutions, i.e. the combination of personal security and security technology, for holistic corporate protection. For this farsightedness and commitment, he deserves our express recognition and our very special thanks.”