BDLS: Collective bargaining in aviation security: better regulations for part-time employees

January 26, 2024

In the 3rd round of collective bargaining for the approximately 25,000 employees in the aviation and airport security sector, the employers today made the unions an offer for the first time to pay overtime bonuses for part-time employees earlier.

Part-time employees are to receive a 25 per cent overtime bonus based on their annual working hours at a significantly earlier date than before.

“We are sticking to our demand to agree binding key points with the trade unions by the end of February 2024 for any collective arbitration that may become necessary,” said Frank Haindl, head of the BDLS collective bargaining commission.

In the area of table pay, the employers had recently offered increases of 4 per cent for 2024 and a further 3 per cent for 2025. The negotiations will continue on 6 February 2024 in Berlin. “I hope that we will come closer to an agreement on that day,” concluded Haindl.

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