Germany: Agreement in Hamburg – Private security staff to receive more money from March 1

January 19, 2024

Yesterday, the parties to the collective agreement BDSW and ver.di agreed on a new collective agreement for the approximately 9,000 private security staff in Hamburg. This will run for two years and provides for two increases in basic hourly wages. “We were able to agree on conditions with the union that are acceptable to both sides and the employees will receive more money from March,” said Jens Müller, Chairman of the Hamburg regional group.

For employees of private security companies, the agreement means a gradual increase in basic hourly wages, initially by 6.92 percent as of 01.03.2024, and a further 5.04 percent as of 01.02.2025.

“In addition to the two increases in the basic hourly wage, we have agreed to increase the training allowance,” says Müller For trainees, this means 950 euros in the first, 1000 euros in the second and 1100 euros in the third year of training from March 1, 2024 and then 1000 euros, 1090 euros and 1200 euros for the respective training years from 2025.

The follow-up collective agreement has a term of 24 months – from 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2025.
The parties to the collective agreement have agreed a 7-day notice period.

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