Attention planners: Correctly planning complex door technology

July 31, 2023

Anyone planning multifunctional doors in buildings needs detailed specialist knowledge of the technical and regulatory requirements of these complex components – including the topic of fire protection. AGC Pyrobel draws attention to the “Specialist Planner for Door Technology” and “Specialist Construction Manager for Door Technology” courses offered by the German Professional Academy for Door Technology (DFATT), which start on 14 September in Cologne. The glass manufacturer and finisher is involved in the courses with the topic “What do I need to know about glass?” and provides training on the construction and functioning of glazing in multifunctional doors. This includes specialist knowledge on single-pane (ESG) and laminated safety glass (VSG), on thermal insulation, sound insulation, fire protection and fall protection.

Planners, architects and site managers coordinate a wide variety of actors in building planning across all construction phases and make many important decisions. This requires a great deal of foresight and sensitivity for the critical issues and interfaces. With two attractive and professional courses, the German Professional Academy for Door Technology (DFATT) provides an appropriate qualification offer for specialist planners and specialist construction managers for door technology. The courses train decision-makers in a total of 14 modules on the special requirements of multifunctional doors and focus on typical problems and methods in all planning and construction phases. In addition to technical knowledge, communication skills are also trained, which are necessary in practice to successfully solve problems in communication with all interfaces and to keep an eye on important aspects such as fire protection requirements, accessibility, escape and rescue routes and other aspects.

All dates, further information and the possibility to register are available to interested planners, architects, construction and project managers at and

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