primion at the SicherheitsExpo in June in Munich: SaaS solutions for access control and time recording

May 2, 2023

primion Technology GmbH will be presenting innovative cloud services for access control and time and attendance applications at the SicherheitsExpo in Munich on 28th / 29th June in Hall 02, Booth J03. Visitors can also find out about certified threat management with pSM, the proven locking solutions with pKT components and the successful visitor management tool prime Visit.

For years, SicherheitsExpo has been regarded as the industry meeting place in the security sector and offers the perfect opportunity to get advice directly on site and to see live demonstrations of the systems. primion has been one of Europe’s leading suppliers of integrated security solutions for almost 30 years and can regularly be found at SicherheitsExpo; this year, right at the entrance to Hall 02.

With the credo “We take care of you, while you take care of your business”, the IT system house primion underpins its claim to offer customer-oriented solutions for all applications. Whether it is access control for a data center, hazard management in sensitive areas such as a high-security laboratory, offline locking solutions for offices or an overall concept for various retail branches that are controlled centrally. Around 5,000 satisfied customers with 12,000 installations across Europe – including prominent names such as DB Schenker, the Federal Employment Agency, the German Armed Forces, Fraport Frankfurt, NORMA France and many more – can be found in the customer portfolio.

SaaS as a success model: more security for time recording and access control

The cloud solutions from primion, hosted in a German data center, enable the highest possible protection with maximum savings: no need for your own server or storage space, no electricity and energy costs, licenses become obsolete and there is no need to purchase databases. At the same time, the systems have high performance and maximum protection against cyber-attacks.

PSIM: Intelligent threat management as a scalable security solution

The VdS-approved prime SecurityManagement (pSM) security control center system from primion bundles all security trades on a single platform. Possible scenarios can be defined in advance to automate processes. Manual interventions are supported by workflow scenarios. The mobile app enables convenient, location-independent control without having to enter the danger zone.

Keyless access control: flexible on- and offline solutions

Securing individual areas at different locations in the company can be done quickly and easily without much effort. The prime KeyTechnology (pKT) software from primion enables the subsequent installation of mechanical offline components as well as complete integration into an existing system. The elegant and simple design of the fittings and cylinders is convincing.

Access control – from a simple system to a comprehensive high-security solution

The prime WebAccess software from primion and the matching innovative access readers, such as the Advanced Data Reader (ADR), facilitate overview and control and adapt to the requirements. Whether it’s your own employees or service personnel from outside companies: access to the company premises or into the buildings must be controlled and monitored – to protect people and assets.

Professional visitor management with primion: efficient and secure

The modular primion software prime Visit for visitor management can be quickly and easily connected to new or existing access control systems. The registration process is considerably shortened, and temporary access rights are assigned, e.g. for certain doors or the use of the lift. prime Visit guarantees an overview of where the guest is – a decisive advantage even in dangerous situations.

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