FENSTERBAU FRONTALE 2024: Still a chance to reserve stands

March 26, 2023

FENSTERBAU FRONTALE, in conjunction with HOLZ-HANDWERK, as always, will be held at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 19 to 22 March 2024, and will thus return to its regular spring time slot. Following a one-off “Summer Edition” in 2022, the Nuremberg trade show team and registered exhibitors are already pulling out all the stops to prepare for the next event in the series.

With about one year to go until the next event, FENSTERBAU FRONTALE is upgrading its web presence to offer all the website’s user groups an improved user experience and make it easier to obtain specific information.

FENSTERBAU FRONTALE, in conjunction with HOLZ-HANDWERK, as always, will be held at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg from 19 to 22 March 2024, and will thus return to its regular spring time slot. Following a one-off “Summer Edition” in 2022, the Nuremberg trade show team and registered exhibitors are already pulling out all the stops to prepare for the next event in the series: With about a year still to go, two thirds of the stands are already booked. Interested companies still keen to secure a space can find all the details at www.frontale.de/registration. The new online presence of FENSTERBAU FRONTALE offers an improved user experience that also includes new services for exhibitors.

“We can already perceive the strong sense of anticipation for the international sector gathering in Nuremberg, where innovations and products will be available to experience first-hand,” says Elke Harreiss, Director FENSTERBAU FRONTALE. “We firmly believe that FENSTERBAU FRONTALE 2024 will once again be the platform for networking, sharing knowledge and successful business transactions, since demand is strong and the booking numbers are outstanding. Most of the market leaders have already committed to attend.” For the list of exhibitors currently registered, see www.frontale.de/exhibitors-products.

“We recommend that companies that have not yet registered get in touch with us quickly so we can accommodate location preferences,” Harreiss adds. As usual, the exhibition halls at FENSTERBAU FRONTALE 2024 are grouped by product focus. Hardware, doors, fastening and safety equipment and office organization will be found in Halls 1, 2 and 4; machines, installations, tools, operating systems and equipment will be in Halls 3 and 3A; while Halls 4A, 5, 6, 7 and 7A will be home to design and profile systems, semi-finished materials, materials and production aids, components, prefabricated elements, shading systems, ventilating equipment, and also glass and glass products. Services, associations, R&D and technical information will be available in every Hall.

New look for www.frontale.de and new products and services from the Exhibitor Shop

With about one year to go until the next event, FENSTERBAU FRONTALE is upgrading its web presence to offer all the website’s user groups an improved user experience and make it easier to obtain specific information. That means exhibitors can benefit from a quick link to register and a combined opportunity to order stands and marketing services in a single step. All exhibitors that have already registered can book exclusive marketing services in the shop in the exhibitor area from now. It is also possible to order marketing packages so exhibitors can advertise their participation in the trade show to suit a specific budget.

#FFontour: Meet the team!

Using the social media channels of FENSTERBAU FRONTALE, everyone with an interest in the trade show can stay up to date with information and, with the hashtag #FFontour, they can follow which industry events the FENSTERBAU FRONTALE team is visiting in order to meet industry players and hold in-person discussions.

Stay informed with the FENSTERBAU FRONTALE Coffee Talks

The talk series “A coffee with…” is a further opportunity for the trade show team to provide insights and exclusive sneak peeks into the current state of planning for FENSTERBAU FRONTALE 2024, and also give live answers to questions from participants, in monthly 15-minute sessions with an 11:00 start time. The talks are held in German. For the current schedule and to register, see: www.frontale.de/#talk

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