Biometrics replacing passwords more and more

March 21, 2023

Entrust’s “The Future of Identity Report” sees finger scan and facial recognition on the rise

Passwords have had their day, but biometrics for authentication are gaining in importance. According to “The Future of Identity Report” by the Entrust Cybersecurity Institute (, 51 percent of the 1,450 users surveyed worldwide reset a password at least once a month, 15 percent even once a week.

Biometric solutions more secure

More than half of the respondents consider biometric solutions more secure, with 53 percent preferring finger scanning, followed by facial recognition (47 percent). Only six percent of consumers still consider passwords the most secure login method.

Faced with the choice between biometrics and passwords, 74 percent of all respondents therefore also opt for biometrics for at least half of all applications, according to Entrust. One third would always opt for biometrics if it was offered.

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