“Already shaping the security of the future”

March 21, 2023

Government statement: Interior Minister presents Hesse’s security strategy

In his government statement, the Minister of the Interior, Peter Beuth, outlined the state government’s strategic priorities in the area of internal security. An integral part of this strategy will be an even stronger involvement of citizens, who will be able to transmit security-relevant information to security authorities, file complaints or report deficiencies to municipalities in an increasingly uncomplicated manner via services such as the new security portal.

“We are already shaping the security of the future. Thanks to modern services, citizens can play an increasingly active role in this. Because security is not only a state, but also a feeling. We want to further strengthen this feeling of security and therefore actively involve the citizens in jointly shaping security in Hessen. We succeed in this thanks to innovative technology and modern equipment of the security authorities. We want to be the pacemaker of tomorrow’s police work throughout Germany and are investing accordingly in the most modern investigative tools. We have created modern framework conditions from which the Hessian security authorities and thus the citizens benefit directly. Even if it may now seem self-evident to some that Hessen is one of the safest states in the Federal Republic. It is ultimately due to a clear and consistent security policy ‘Made in Hessen’. We have set clear priorities and purposefully taken new paths in the modernisation and digitalisation of the security authorities,” said Interior Minister Peter Beuth.

With modern security authorities, Hessen will also be safe in the future

The Hessian police have been specifically equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for fighting crime. Drones, tasers and bodycams are an integral part of Hessen’s police work. The Innovation Hub of the Hessian police has become the engine of digital in-house developments. At the same time, the state government was one of the first federal states to equip Hessian police officers with modern and particularly secure smartphones on which specially developed applications revolutionise everyday police work. Hessen continues to push the expansion of modern digital solutions for police work. Innovative software and analysis tools are already being used in the fight against child abuse, burglary gangs and ATM burglars. In view of the vast amounts of data that are generated in police work today, Hesse is the first federal state to have taken up this future police issue and provided the police with a modern analysis platform in the form of hessenDATA.

“Police work of the future must deal efficiently with large amounts of data. Modern and effective technology is indispensable in everyday police work. The state government not only proved that it actively supports the police in fighting crime, but also that it is the innovation driver of police work throughout Germany. Because many federal states are already emulating us in this respect,” said the Interior Minister.

Sense of security is part of Hesse’s security strategy

Back in 2017, Hesse opened a new chapter in the state’s security strategy with the COMPASS programme. Through the programme, in which 138 KOMPASS municipalities are now participating, Hessian cities and municipalities can address issues that may affect the sense of security more independently and develop individual solutions for local security needs. Within the framework of KOMPASS, numerous security analyses and citizen surveys were conducted throughout Hesse to identify problem areas in municipalities, which also flow into operational police work, and solutions were developed based on these analyses. Citizens are no longer the sole passive recipients of security measures by the state. In Hessen, they can and should now consciously participate even more actively in improving security and the sense of security in their local area and play an active role.

“COMPASS has laid the foundation for a paradigm shift in the state’s security strategy. But we are not resting on our laurels. With the ‘Security Portal Hessen’, we have bundled all security programmes for citizens under one roof and continued the guiding principle of jointly shaping security digitally. Once again, the Hessian State Government is demonstrating that it is constantly addressing people’s sense of security with a clear plan,” said Minister of the Interior Peter Beuth.

New online portal bundles offers to increase security in Hessen

The security portal, which has been available since February 2023, combines the online watch of the Hessian police, the HessenGegenHetze reporting centre and a state-wide deficiency report. The deficiency reporter, in which around 325 of 421 Hessian municipalities are currently participating, enables citizens to communicate their concerns to the municipalities in an uncomplicated manner. “The initial response to the safety portal shows: We have hit a nerve and made the right offer. The citizens benefit from it. They can now easily communicate their concerns to the municipality and the security authorities and also report public places where they feel unsafe. Every location and every occasion is assessed individually by police officers with local knowledge and solutions are worked out together with the municipalities,” said the Minister.

Historically good safety values

For many years, Hessen has also been one of the safest federal states in a nationwide comparison. This becomes clear in the frequency figure, the number of offences registered by the police per 100,000 inhabitants, with which Hessen has always occupied a top position among the Länder in recent years. The absolute number of offences in 2022 has fallen by more than 60,000 compared to 2002. In the past 20 years, the number of criminal offences in Hessen has thus been reduced by 17 percent. In addition, 63.7 percent of all offences and thus two out of three offences in Hesse are solved today. In 2002, the clearance rate was still 48.2 percent. The work of the Hessian police, whom Interior Minister Peter Beuth expressly thanked for their successful work, also on behalf of the Hessian state government, has played a significant role in the good security figures.

Targeted record investments in strengthening the Hessian police force

The good security figures go hand in hand with strategic priorities and targeted investments. The financial resources of the Hessian police have been at a record level for years and this year will reach a new high of 2.1 billion euros. At the same time, the Hessian police force has been massively strengthened in terms of personnel: for several weeks now, more than 15,500 police officers have been on the streets to ensure the safety of the citizens. Since the beginning of this legislative period in 2018 alone, this is an additional plus of 1,400 officers. In 2025, more than 16,000 police officers will take responsibility for security. Compared to 2014, the start of the personnel build-up, the increase will then be a whopping 18 per cent.

“There have never been more police in our state under any state government before. Despite this record and despite the very good security situation, the increase in personnel in the Hessian police force is far from over. In the next two years, another 500 officers will be added. The historic increase in our police force will make Hessen even safer,” said Hessen’s Minister of the Interior.

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