Bavarian Police Logistics Centre in Hof: Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann announces start of operations for spring 2023 – Interim rental property for up to 60 employees – Up to 200 employees in the final construction phase
The new Bavarian Police Logistics Centre (LZBP) in Hof is picking up speed! As Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann announced today, the LZBP is expected to start operations in March 2023 with an initial staff of 15. For this purpose, a building has been rented in Hof as an interim solution for the start-up phase, which offers space for up to 60 employees. “We will then continue to expand the LZBP step by step,” Herrmann announced. “To do this, we will temporarily set up the LZBP in a rented property without warehousing and, in a further step, at a central location in the Hof area linked with a central warehouse structure, sound quality control and powerful IT.” According to Herrmann, up to 200 attractive jobs will be created there. The final expansion should be completed by around 2030. “Our new LZBP not only heralds a new era in procurement for the Bavarian Police,” the Interior Minister emphasised. “The LZBP is also an important strengthening for the Hof region.”
Herrmann emphasised that the LZBP will offer great added value for the security of supply of the Bavarian Police. In addition, the minister also expects synergies: Through centralisation, personnel capacities in the police associations can be used for other administrative tasks. In addition, the Minister of the Interior praised the expertise of the Hof region in textiles: “We will use this to design and procure uniform supplies for the Bavarian Police and the Bavarian Judiciary according to our own standards in the future.”
According to Herrmann, in the current rented building with around 1,400 square metres of office space, the first step will be to centralise the awarding and procurement tasks of the so-called ‘drop shipment business’ of the police, i.e. the procurements without warehousing. This includes, for example, vehicles, office furniture, paper or services such as building cleaning. In addition to service staff for duty operations, personnel acquisition and IT technology, numerous specialists are needed for procurement. “We will not only recruit our future employees from the public administration sector, but will also offer attractive opportunities on the free labour market here in the Hof region for qualified interested parties,” Herrmann explained.
The supply of uniforms for the Bavarian police and the Bavarian justice system is currently handled centrally by the Lower Saxony Logistics Centre. With the exception of a few central procurement fields (for example, motor vehicles, weapons or protective equipment) and a few collective ordering procedures across associations, the procurement system of the Bavarian Police has so far been organised decentrally in a total of 13 procurement and awarding offices of the respective police headquarters, the Bavarian State Office of Criminal Investigation and the Bavarian Police Administration Office. “We are talking about an average annual order volume of the Bavarian Police for supply and service contracts in the three-digit million range,” Herrmann clarified.