SITE SAFETY 2022 by KÖTTER SERVICES: Everything from a single source

January 13, 2023

The practical event SITE SAFETY 2022 by KÖTTER SERVICES in Bremen as a first-time event in the context of security concepts for construction sites, shipyards and CRITIS areas with renowned partner companies.

KÖTTER Security held an ‘Open Day’ in Bremen on 6 October 2022 for Security & Services for construction sites, shipyards, and ISPS facilities. With over ten partners*, a variety of different topics** were presented. The practical event for architects, planners and those responsible for security in the construction industry opened interesting perspectives for the areas of construction site security. Particularly through a total solution for secure ‘sites’, greater freedom in business processes results for customers.

In the past, criminals have seen construction sites as self-service shops for their raids in all regions of the Federal Republic. Not only construction machinery and vehicles have been stolen from construction sites in Germany and disappear never to be seen again. Valuable building materials (wood, insulating materials), objects made of metal or with a high metal content (e.g., non-ferrous metal and copper, cables of all kinds and tools are also highly sought after by criminals. According to the police, the stolen goods are selected on ‘order’, quickly resold, or even used themselves. Construction machinery that is not taken abroad is also resold by fences.

The economic and organizational consequences are considerable: immense costs for replacement purchases, delays in the completion of construction, discussions with customers and insurance companies hinder the progress of construction and delay the completion of the objects.

According to the Federal Criminal Police Office, the number of reported thefts on construction sites was 22,773 (2021). And around ten percent are only solved.

In insurance terms, this means that construction companies and craftsmen on building sites basically hold until acceptance. So they are also responsible for any movable goods (construction machinery, vehicles and tools) on a construction site and must replace them if they are stolen. Based on current case law, this means that it remains a considerable risk for a crafts enterprise to store tools and materials on the construction site until acceptance is complete.

In addition to theft, incidents of vandalism have also increased in recent years. Arson and willful destruction of parts of shells and other parts of buildings are unfortunately not uncommon.

The bad guys usually come under cover of darkness and so lighting concepts and video cameras that can record or report events at night are particularly important. In combination with other security solutions, perpetrators can be approached, or alarms can be set off by a security service, thus driving away even those who have already trespassed on properties. Prevention and security concepts for ‘sites’ and especially construction sites have been in high demand for some time now in view of the crime rates. KÖTTER Security also offers construction site operators and property owners comprehensive security solutions with personnel and technical solutions. A characteristic feature of KÖTTER’s services is the so-called precinct guard service, which checks the condition of construction site areas several times a night (on weekends or public holidays also during the day). This security service is primarily for prevention and intervention.

In addition, the Essen-based company offers technical safety concepts for the entire construction site cycle with selected partners: The customer thereby concludes a contract from a single source: all trades, including those of partner companies, are coordinated by KÖTTER during the entire construction phase. Construction fence banners around the construction site indicate that the site is monitored and protected. Uniform safety standards make an efficient solution possible on site nationwide, which are adapted according to the progress of construction.

Safety and occupational health

KÖTTER is aware of the importance of an effective operator model for planning, setting up or operating construction sites. A preparation of risk assessments and the definition of the required occupational safety specialist on site are part of the service concept. Not only do the numerous trades have to be coordinated, the aspects of occupational safety in Germany and health protection must also be guaranteed.

The legal requirements of customs and the employers’ liability insurance associations are important framework conditions that must also be considered in safety concepts. The right work clothing, e.g., the obligation to wear a helmet on the construction site (mandatory personal protective equipment), or access to the construction site must be regulated in accordance with the law.

Access management

With the partner IQ-Pass, an integrated access control software ensures documentation of various data and documents that are essential for construction site operators today. The company and personal registrations that legitimize access to the construction site are checked, as is the registration of workers with the relevant social security systems (building cooperative, health, and pension insurance). Of course, general legitimation checks (ID & A1 checks) can also be requested, and a minimum wage check (monthly minimum wage check) is included. This contributes to the fight against undeclared work on construction sites.

Attendances (entry and exit, entry, and exit) can be documented using a standardized evaluation platform. This data can be accessed via cloud-based access from anywhere in the world, which is important for globally active companies. Regarding asset management on the construction site area, a corresponding exit control can take place, which ensures that all machines and tools really remain on the construction site area.

Video management

Because every construction site has individual characteristics, different security measures are naturally required. Video surveillance has proven to be an obligatory solution for projects in recent years: With the KÖTTER Security Video Tower, the Essen-based company offers a video tower that can be extended up to eight meters.

This ensures a high level of protection against theft, vandalism, sabotage, and manipulation. Unauthorized persons (or vehicles) are detected fully automatically, recorded, and can be deterred from any criminal intentions via a live address. The Video Tower can also be used to document the progress of construction work, and, thanks to this mobile solution, the location of the Video Tower can be variably adjusted depending on the progress of construction work. But permanently installed video cameras can also be used, e.g., on large construction sites. []

*Topics & live demos on site: Construction site security, alarm activation and intervention; barrier systems, perimeter protection and video systems; construction containers, turnstiles and access control systems; customs-compliant access management; preventive and defensive fire protection; occupational safety and safety instructions; operational sanitation; digital construction documentation; planning, construction, maintenance and service; construction cleaning and final construction cleaning.

** Companies on site: KÖTTER Security; KÖTTER Cleaning; German Business Protection; TERAPON Consulting; CSS Computer Security Service; BAU.CAMERA; KOOI; IQ-Pass; Comp-Pro; ESB Solutions

Mike Jürgens, Managing Director of KOOI Security Germany, presented the video solutions used by KÖTTER Security in Bremen. He particularly pointed out that due to a lack of personnel and tight budgets, video surveillance nevertheless guarantees the necessary level of security on guarded properties. He also rated the event very positively and is looking forward to the events in 2023 [Photo ©DCM2022].

Mike Jürgens, Managing Director of KOOI Security Germany at SITE SAFETY 2022 by KÖTTER SERVICES in Bremen, Germany

We offer customers a solution”

Daniel von Grumbkow, Regional Manager and Authorized Officer and, from 1 January 2023, Managing Director of KÖTTER SE & Co. KG Security Hamburg, presents the service portfolio of the industry giant in a statement.

“SITE SAFETY 2022 was presented to the trade public for the first time in October. Due to the success of the event, we are planning this event at other locations in the Federal Republic next year. We chose Bremen for the first event because of its geographical location. Construction site safety is not just about classic building, civil engineering and new construction or reconstruction. Many shipyards and port areas are also located in the region. At the same time, every shipbuilding site represents a construction site and is also subject to similar or the same legal requirements as a conventional construction site. And these concepts that we offer here are just as interesting for the area of critical infrastructure (KTRITIS). Especially for port facilities in the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code). That’s why we chose Bremen as the location for our first practical day with our partners.”

Services around security for construction sites

“KÖTTER SERVICE offers services for construction sites beyond the classic service. Normally, a developer looks for a security service provider who needs guarding personnel, in the second step he needs a service provider who provides video technology and in the third step still someone who offers customs-compliant visitor management systems. KÖTTER Services offers this package from a single source. With this, the customer has already ticked off three topics. But this is not all. In addition, there are other services that customers need nowadays. KÖTTER offers everything from planning to implementation to sustainability audits.” 

– “In the planning phase – phase 1 – we support the client e.g., in the preparation of security concepts as well as hazard analyses, occupational safety and fire protection concepts.”

– “In phase 2, in construction support, we are on site with the first guarding activities, implement the customs-compliant security management and ID system and install the first security technology, e.g., video management systems.”

– “In the third phase, the construction phase itself, we are additionally on site for site. This scales from step to step: with fire guards, rescue, or company paramedics – also other units of the company rescue system and fire brigades. The hardware, perimeter protection and also access controls are further expanded or developed depending on the progress of construction.”

“This means that security concepts and solutions are adapted to the construction progress and are scalable and thus individually designed for each customer. The customer has a contact person who offers everything from one source as an ‘all-round carefree package’, implements it and manages the trades. An operational contact saves a lot of planning time and last-but-not-least: the customer receives an invoice from us on which everything is settled.”

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