VdS draft guideline for gluing systems for banknote neutralization

September 23, 2023

VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH has released the draft of VdS 6040-1 “VdS Guidelines for Banknote Security Systems – Gluing Systems for Banknote Neutralization” for public consultation

These guidelines contain requirements for gluing systems with active application of the gluing substance to the banknotes and apply in conjunction with other guidelines mentioned in the document.

Adhesive bonding systems for banknote neutralization are used to bond banknotes together in the event of unauthorized removal or access by an adhesive substance in such a way that they cannot be separated from each other without causing damage that would indicate that the money has been unlawfully taken. Due to the increasingly high degree of automation of money processing equipment, it should also be possible to detect glued banknotes automatically.
The functionality of gluing systems for banknote neutralization extends from the detection of unauthorized access or removal, secure triggering, to the application of the gluing substance to the banknotes and their curing.

The draft guideline and the corresponding comment form can be found at https://vds.de/konsultationsverfahren/vds-6040-1-entwurf.

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