Herrmann: “Safe Bavaria” blue light reception

July 16, 2023

Blaulichtempfang “Sicheres Bayern”: Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann presented the award “Ehrenamtsfreundlicher Betrieb – Gemeinsam für mehr Sicherheit” (Volunteer-friendly company – Together for more safety) to deserving employers – Great thanks to all emergency forces
Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann honoured nine employers from Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria and Swabia with the award ‘Volunteer-Friendly Company – Together for More Safety’ at today’s ‘Safe Bavaria’ blue light reception at the Residenz in Munich: “In addition to the commitment of all volunteers, a well-functioning emergency response system also requires a great deal of commitment and understanding on the part of employers. Because protection and help for the population can only be provided if there are employers behind the many volunteers who also have the backs of their employees when they are on duty – and that despite possible effects on business operations.” Herrmann thanked all the emergency services for their tireless commitment to the safety and protection of the Bavarian population: “Please continue to make such a great contribution to our society and always come back safe and sound from your missions!”

The winners from Upper Bavaria were Bott Ventiltechnik GmbH (Rosenheim), Mayer Hoch- und Tiefbau GmbH (Ruhpolding), Stadtwerke München GmbH (Munich), Ziemann &Urban GmbH (Moosinning), Weishäupl Möbelwerkstätten GmbH (Stephanskirchen), TBS Brandschutzanlagen GmbH (Altomünster) and Gunvor Raffinerie Ingolstadt GmbH (Kösching). Lower Bavaria was represented by Ulrich Brunner GmbH (Eggenfelden) and Swabia by Goldhofer AG (Memmingen).
“A strong assistance system and a functioning hazard prevention system are more important than ever, especially in the current times. I am proud that we have such a unique network of emergency organisations in Bavaria: Police, fire brigades, rescue and aid organisations, THW and federal armed forces work closely and trustingly together with the Free State.” To ensure that this remains the case, the Bavarian State Government is investing to the best of its ability: “From a strong Bavarian police force, to financial support for the fire brigades, the relief and rescue organisations, to strengthening disaster control: We are doing everything to ensure that Bavaria remains a safe and liveable state in the future,” Herrmann emphasised.

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