More and more security guards for more security

October 10, 2022

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann announces further expansion at the 6th State Conference on Security Guards – Honours for special achievements

Bavaria’s Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, is pushing the expansion of security patrols in the Free State. “We will make Bavaria even safer by expanding our security patrols,” Herrmann announced today at the 6th State Conference on Security Patrols in Nuremberg. “Our goal is 1,500 security guard members in Bavaria. As everyday heroes, they increase the sense of security and help prevent crime and disorder.”
According to Herrmann, the expansion is supported by targeted advertising measures and optimised framework conditions. For example, there is a wide range of thematic training as well as modern clothing and equipment. In order to improve the compatibility of work, family and voluntary work, a minimum service time of only five hours per month applies.

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