Northern Germany – Fuhlsbüttel Prison – Vehicles set on fire by staff members

October 20, 2023

Last night, three vehicles were set on fire in the car park of Fuhlsbüttel Prison. The staff vehicles were severely damaged. The emergency services were quickly able to extinguish the fire.

Justice Senator Anna Gallina: “The circumstances of the crime suggest that private vehicles belonging to staff members were deliberately attacked. Anyone who does something like this, possibly out of criticism of or contempt for government action, and who does not shy away from the property of staff members, fails to realise that our staff members stand up for the safety of Hamburg’s citizens every day. Such an attack is therefore particularly perfidious. I hope that the police investigation will be successful so that the perpetrator(s) can be held accountable for this action. I would like to thank all the officers and emergency personnel on the scene for their quick intervention.”

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