BDLS condemns nationwide strike action at German airports announced for Monday

March 26, 2023

On Monday, Germany is to come to a standstill for one day, that is what the trade unions want. This will affect almost all parts of the mobility sector. Airports (with the exception of BER) will also once again be subject to a full-day strike. This has nothing to do with warning strikes and a support of demands during ongoing collective bargaining rounds, but these are disproportionate actions that massively harm many thousands of citizens and innocent passengers, the airports and the airlines.

Germany is being paralysed, unparalleled in the past, in a world that is just recovering from the pandemic.

Ver.di is misusing the airport as a press-effective stage and mixing up the demands in the public service with those of the service providers in the field of aviation security. “To make it quite clear once again, the strike of the employees of the aviation security companies is not about wage demands. With €20.60 from 1 April 2023, we have reached a wage level that is unparalleled, especially if you compare this wage with those of nurses or paramedics,” says Rainer Friebertshäuser, head of the BDLS collective bargaining committee. But that is not the issue, it is about the bargaining of higher time bonuses. Already today, employees receive a surcharge of 25 % for overtime, 40 % for work on Sundays, 100 % for work on public holidays, 100 % for work on 24 December and 31 December after 14:00 and 15 % for night work. “We have made a far-reaching proposal to ver.di and we are still in talks. However, we have not received a reaction from ver.di. The strike is not at all comprehensible for us and thus also harms the progress of the negotiations,” said Friebertshäuser. If one reads in the ver.di statements that the employer side has not moved, this is simply a lie. “The claim that there has been no actual progress in eight rounds of negotiations is untrue and pure propaganda. In addition to official offers, there are always talks in negotiations that clearly show that one is ready to conclude,” Friebertshäuser concluded.

These strikes have nothing to do with social partnership. In an industry where security service providers, airlines and airports are just recovering from the deepest crisis in aviation, a whole country is being taken hostage and companies are being harmed. And this despite the fact that a solution is within reach at the negotiating table.

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