While the hearing of associations for a new procurement law is still underway, Hamburg is taking further steps to permanently strengthen the innovation orientation of public procurement and to increase the share of procurement from innovations. For this reason, Hamburg is the first federal state to participate in the “State-up Procurement Index” project financed by the Federal Ministry of Economics through the Competence Centre for Innovative Procurement. Through the introduction of an index, the extent of the participation of start-ups in procurement in the area of supplies and services will be systematically recorded in the future. The goal is to give more start-ups the chance to get a piece of the action in public procurement.
Hamburg puts out to tender supply and service contracts amounting to approximately €340 million annually. By purchasing state-of-the-art products and new technical solutions, state institutions can offer more modern services and save costs in the long term. Start-ups are important providers of ideas and drivers of innovation; they also have a special social relevance. One example of the use of innovative solutions here is the use of the GovRadar software. Hamburg thus relies on the special software of a start-up that can considerably simplify the tendering process, for example through the use of AI.
Senator Dr Andreas Dressel: “Especially in times of price increases and supply bottlenecks, innovations are more important than ever in order to be able to react appropriately to these challenges. Start-ups can and should play a stronger role in public procurement. In this way, we are taking another important step in public procurement towards modern and sustainable administration. Strategic purchasing will be strengthened and the city, as a public contracting authority, will continue to fulfil its role model function in purchasing. In parallel, the consultation of associations on public procurement law is continuing. We are taking on board suggestions and incorporating legal developments at the federal level. Hamburg should continue to be a pioneer among the federal states in awarding and procurement!