“There is a lot going wrong on Austrian construction sites and with Austrian construction site security!”

February 11, 2023

IG-Control Managing Director Ing. Ilan Giuli confirms safety concerns of “Ethik pro Austria”

Ilan Giuli of IG-Control wants to bring the topic of “safety on construction sites” more into the focus of the public and therefore bring Ethics pro Austria and those concerned from the various groups of people involved to the same table: “More than 90 percent of all construction site safety measures are bad or completely wrong. There is a need for action to defuse these construction site traps for children, the disabled, the blind and cyclists. Unfortunately, this is not happening. Those affected should speak out much more loudly. I therefore support the initiative of Ethics pro Austria for more construction site safety and am always available for talks with those affected to make everyone more aware of this omnipresent dangerous issue and to improve the situation on our roads and in our pedestrian zones,” emphasises Ing. Giuli.

Safety problems at construction sites

In a press release of 8.2.2023, the President of Ethik pro Austria, Alois Gmeiner, strongly criticises the apparent lack of controls in the protection of scaffolding and construction site notice boards in Austria! With reference to this press release, the managing director of IG-Control.at, a company specialising in construction site coordination and safety, Ing. Ilan Giuli, confirms the often extremely inadequate signage and construction site protection and emphasises the dangers for passers-by, but also for the liable construction companies.

Ilan Giuli says: “The criticism is completely justified, as anyone who walks past construction sites in Vienna or other cities in Austria with their eyes open will notice. Mostly terrible signage, sloppy barriers, and dangerous trip hazards wherever you look. No wonder there are countless accidents and injuries every year. Unfortunately, everyone cooks their own soup. The Wiener Linien provide different security than the very careful MA28. Everyone is very concerned, but unfortunately there are no working groups where they can work together on improvements. There are also no binding guidelines for everyone in Austria, as there are in Germany. In Austria, the STVO §89 + §90 and a standard for technical aids for visually impaired, blind, and mobility-impaired people for securing construction sites and danger zones – V2104 from 2012 – apply. The City of Vienna even has a page on the Internet that provides information on the safe design of construction sites at http://www.wien.gv.at/verkehr/baustellen/sicherheit/, but unfortunately only very few construction sites look as “officially desired”.

Talk about safety problems at construction sites with affected persons and Ethik pro Austria

Ilan Giuli wants to bring the issue more into the focus of the public and therefore bring Ethics pro Austria and affected persons from the different groups of people involved, but also politicians and officials from the responsible municipal departments to the same table: “More than 90 percent of all construction site safety measures are bad or completely wrong. There is a need for action to defuse these construction site traps for children, the disabled, the blind and cyclists. Unfortunately, this is not happening. Those affected should speak out much more loudly. I therefore support the initiative of “Ethik pro Austria” for more construction site safety and am always available for talks with those affected in order to make everyone more aware of this omnipresent dangerous topic and to improve the situation on our roads and in our pedestrian zones,” emphasises Giuli.

Many injuries and even deaths every year – due to sloppy construction site safety!

Giuli knows the problems in the construction industry: “Everyone is under time pressure and things have to be done quickly. Therefore, securing the construction site is usually a quick action to which hardly any attention is paid. A gross mistake, as the many pending court cases in Austria show, in which property damage or even serious injuries, sometimes resulting in death, occur. Afterwards, it is always those responsible for securing the construction site who are held accountable. And these are not only the ordinary workers who have put up the warning signs, but also senior employees, up to the level of managing directors. Regardless of whether it is a construction company or a builder: a conviction can not only be expensive but can also lead to prison sentences – for all those responsible and involved. More safety is therefore a concern that should be a top priority for everyone,” says engineer Ilan Giuli. https://www.ig-control.com

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