EHI study “Payment Systems in Retail 2023 Cologne, 10.05.2023 Germans changed their payment behaviour significantly in the Corona years and have largely stuck with it after the pandemic. They still prefer to pay by card – the Girocard takes first place in...
EHI white paper: Retail gastronomy in Germany 2023 The retail companies in Germany have already reached the level of the pre-Corona year 2019 with their gastronomy turnover in 2022, according to a result of the current EHI white paper “Retail gastronomy in...
– Cyber threat continues to increase in 2023 – Security processes lag behind the requirements of digitalisation and cloud use – Investments in cyber security continue to rise – New Lünendonk study now available free of charge The risk of...
KÖTTER Security Group: Managing Director honoured at members’ meeting of the Federal Association of the Security Industry Continuity and high quality create trust and are thus of central importance for the security industry. Dirk H. Bürhaus, Managing Director in...
Southco has expanded its line of VISE ACTION® compression closures with a new version that provides a visual indication of closure status. Southco’s E3 VISE ACTION® compression closure with visual indicator features a red reflective wing-shaped indicator that is...